
Jure Hrovat, M. Arch
Ana Kreč, M. Arch
We are collaborating with:
Katja Paternoster, M. Arch
Jan Šimnovec, M. Arch
Marko Kavčič, M. Arch
Žan Majetič, intern
Julia Koželj, intern
SVET VMES was founded in 2010 as a non-formal collective of architects in Ljubljana, Slovenia with an urge to question, explore and expose the potential of ‘in-between’ space within public and especially educational buildings. By shifting between observation and action, SVET VMES analyses the existing dilapidated interior and exterior ‘in-between’ areas, to locate the sore points and to remediate, heal and transform them into places of events, potential, comfort, interaction, negotiation, delight and seclusion, inventing a new kind of 'loaded' interstitial typology. Interventions of various scales allow them to instigate and explore new 'in-between' behaviors, encourage spatial sensitivity and emergence among people whilst challenging their daily patterns and existing social reality.
SVET VMES has in the last few years continuously modified and transformed into a research design practice, whose work is locally and internationally recognized, published and awarded. The practice is led by two founding partners, architects Jure Hrovat and Ana Kreč who is currently a practice - based PhD candidate at KU Leuven, Department of Architecture, Campus Sint Lucas Brussels in Belgium whilst assisting the design studio of prof. Jurij Sadar at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture. In 2023, SVET VMES received the Plečnik Medal awarded by the Plečnik Fund and the Golden Pencil awarded by the Slovene Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning - ZAPS for their 16-unit, timber Kindergarten in Kočevje, Slovenia.
They have been lecturers or guest critics at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Tsinghua University in Beijing, Hunan University, China, KU Leuven, Sint Lucas School of Architecture, Ghent, Belgium, University of Westminster in London, UK, NTNU, Trondheim School of Architecture and Fine Arts, Norway, BAU Design College in Barcelona, TU Wien, IUAV in Venice, Italy, Aedes Gallery and Technische Universitat in Berlin.